The UN initiatives in Uzbekistan.

The UN Development Program became active in Uzbekistan in 1993 and works on projects related to the national government, business, civil society and academic affairs.

The UNDP regularly published press releases on the topic of gender equality development in the country.

Global database on violence against women assembles UN data on different forms of violence against women, including all UN-issued reports and updates on Gender Equality Indexes.

The UN Population Fund produces country-specific landing pages. The work of the Fund includes data on sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, young people, and population matters. Their Data Portal for Kazakhstan gender-related data across six main components: population, sexual and reproductive health, family planning, education, gender, rights, and human capital, and harmful practices.

The UN publications on Uzbekistan include annual reports, analysis of the education sector, and reports on activism against gender-based violence. Methodological note and information on data collection are not available.